Sunday, August 26, 2007

Up Hill Battle

This morning I did the West Hollywood hike with my trainer. We have not made it to the top of the hill yet. I will say that the entire hike was easier than last week. I'm still huffing and puffing all the way up, but somehow I'm not straining as much as I was last week. On the way back down we passed a stoner who was sitting in front of an apartment complex off of Sunset. As we passed he remarked that we would not be getting up that early to workout if we on the bowl (I believe that was a metaphor for the bong); he clearly was on the bowl.

We ended the work out with sit-ups. Next week we will ascent further than we have thus far.


Tamale624 said...

All right Deanna! Awesome progress on working that hill. The sky as a little greyer on my side of town. Hopefully 'The Hill' was a little cooler too. How are your knees doing?

DeeLight said...

It was cloudy with a little sun. It was perfect; nice and cool. My knees seem to be doing fine. I don't seem to have that weakness that I once had. I used to have a problem with my right knee, but it seems to be strong again.
As I go up my lower calves get really tight. I have to stretch out a few times as I go up the hill. It was easier this past time, which was exciting for me. My goal is to hike Half Dome in Yosemite in June with the couple from my congregation.