Monday, September 24, 2007

The Temptations of Toast

I have been pretty loyal to my twice a week Pilates and twice a week walks. I have been taking all the vitamins I'm supposed to take and some. I've cut the coffee down to one or two excellent daily cups and have upped the fiber intake to make sure the plumbing is working well (sorry). I still have one incredibly evil force working against me. It is the force of toast. I try to limit it to brown breads, of course. I even try to toast it to within an inch of burning, since it is nearly carbon already I'm thinking it will digest easier and cost fewer calories. I think of the thin elegant toast on sliced european bread. I like the thick sliced Sanrio-style Japanese 'Pan' stuff (so 'bread' is the same in Spanish and Japanese? go figure!). I like anything toasted in the oven with butter and or cheese on top. Pumpernickel bagels toasted with cream cheese and lox...sooo good. I can't get these images out of my head. I think it is the crunch followed by the warm soft dough. I have not found a low carb replacement and I am opening up the floor here to ask: what suitable crunch/toast replacement can satisfying this unique texture craving?


dreamersball said...

That's a hard one. Hmmm. Is there anything really wrong with satisfying that cravng every now and then. Look at me :) I don't think I'm helping with this problem. Actually all this talk of toast has made me hungry...

btw I have a new post up:)

Anonymous said...

I don't see anything wrong with a love of toast. I could go on and on about my love of bread products like Bubba Gump went on and on about the different ways of preparing shrimp.

Especially when we're talking about that pillow soft Japanese bread --- I wish had a Hello Kitty toaster. I'd go nuts on a whole loaf.

I personally don't believe in deprivation of any kind of food pleasure, but I do believe in moderation. If you're trying to cut back on really good toast, try not to keep it in the house. Find a bakery or gourmet sandwich place that has really good bread and treat yourself to your beloved toast (or a gourmet sandwich with exquisite bread) as a reward for exercising consistently for a week or for making it through another deadly hike. Now I'm picturing you having an almost out-of-body experience as you eat your beloved toast.

vango said...

I too am a lover of anything in the bread/pastry family. Being married to a lo-carb guy has been one of the most trying aspects of marriage - ok it's not that bad, but close. If you are looking for an almost guilt-free bread experience I recommend the sesame sprouted-wheat bagel at Western Bagel on Santa Monica and Barrington. It's a very hearty bagel with lots of fiber-filled goodness, but it is tasty and topped with your favorite toppings you'll forget that it's "healthy."

Then again, there's nothing wrong with an occasional indulgence of your favorite bread :-)

dreamersball said...

I agree, indulgence is great when its balanced..
By the way all are welcome to view my blog:)

Tamale624 said...

Yes, moderation is the key.
You guys are right. I will continue to enjoy...but on a limited basis. If I can get a really good high quality, high fiber bread, and split/share a loaf with someone, then I am forced to only eat a few great slices of bread a week. Anyone care to split a loaf when I find it? I think there is a pretty good choice at Whole Foods that Deanna has told me about...but it doesn't make a tasty panani...I will go to Western Bagel and look into just buying a few loose sprouted wheat bagels...ymmmmmymmm. Let me know if if you have a Hello Kitty toaster too so we can test it out.

DeeLight said...

I want to comment on this toast topic- you've brought up one of my favorite subjects :) The other day I out in service I was saying to the car group that I think the smell of buttered toast is one of the best smells EVER. My favorite toast would be a slice of that's how to do it.
On Fridays we have bagels here at work. One of the attorneys from our neighboring firm, who is very concerned about staying lean, taught me his method of scooping out the center of the bagel. It may sound crazy, and wasteful to some but it works. You work around the center of the bagel, scooping out its contents, then you toast it. This method leads to fewer calories, and carbs, and leaves you with a crispy shell that I have learned to prefer. You place your favorite toppings on it, and you don't worry about it. It's great.

Anonymous said...

I tell you what, the minute you reach one of your long-term exercise goals, whatever it may be, I'll buy you a Hello Kitty toaster and a loaf (well, maybe a half loaf for moderation's sake) of Japanese pan. Then, we'll go medieval on the pan with the Hello Kitty toaster. Who's with me on this?!! Shake 'n Bake?!!

Tamale624 said...

It's a deal! Medieval! medieval!

DeeLight said...

I'm always down for toast (that's probably part of my problem).